Ian Deadly (UK /IT)
From a small village near Stonehenge in Wiltshire, England he now works and trains in Turin, Italy. He is a literature and philosophy graduate, circus school graduate, juggler, actor, one-time flying trapeze catcher, acrobat, mime and above all; street performer. For the last ten years his only pay cheque has been his hat. Starting over sixteen years ago working all seasons in the streets and squares of Europe and beyond, he has no day job. He also has the loudest clap in the whole world, loves reading books and has an unhealthy obsession with Barbie dolls.
Ian is extremely happy to be presenting the Austrian Hoop Convention Gala Show as he is also a hula hooper. Having learned man hoop with NoFit State Circus he has in the last few years been learning some proper tricks and on occasion has been known to appear with his hoop number at conventions and on cabaret stages.
Find out more about Ian Deadly on his official homepage.